WiFi RFP / Tender Guidelines

WiFi is WiFi, right?  Wrong!

So many times we have been called in to 'fix' a WiFi network, only to find that the whole thing was under-specified, under-engineered and .. well.. under-budgeted!  Unfortunately, many network engineers (or plain old IT cowboys) who grew up on wired networks and got themselves a WiFi router at home believe that all WiFi hardware is the same.  This is plain and simply WRONG!

Read more: WiFi RFP / Tender Guidelines

Easy to use Hotspots

By now, anyone reading this blog has surely accessed a WiFi hotspot at some point.  You know which one.. you’re at an airport or a hotel, you need to get online.  You connect to the strongest, unsecured WiFi network you can find, only to be faced with a login page asking you for a username/password or voucher code or your credit card details.

Read more: Easy to use Hotspots

Hotel Internet through the TV... bad idea!

First there was the photo-taking-spy-pen, then the USB hub-coffee-mug-warmer, now it's time for TV WiFi Access Points (APs)! I wonder what other multi-function magic our friends in the East will come up with... but if history is anything to go by, it probably won't work!

Read more: Hotel Internet through the TV... bad idea!

TripAdvisor Survey reveals WiFi is most important amenity to US travellers

Who cares about turndown service? I just want free Wi-Fi.

Those were two unsurprising findings of a recent TripAdvisor survey that asked 1,200 travelers and 600 hotel owners and managers what they considered the most and least important amenities.

Read more: TripAdvisor Survey reveals WiFi is most important amenity to US travellers